How Will Gartan Expert Help You?
- It highlights skills gaps in your organisation and creates more efficient training planning.
- It facilitates a more robust and compliant workforce planning process.
- Users are alerted when competencies are due to expire ensuring more accurate staff competency information.
- The interactive Course Calendar allows users to view upcoming training events and submit attendance requests.
- The comprehensive alerting & dashboard tools ensure that delegates and trainers are fully informed of their upcoming events.
- It integrates with your Gartan rostering systems to confirm course delegates’ availability, to create the associated roster bookings and to monitor the minimum staffing levels.
Key Features

- - LMS & Rostering Integration
- - Training Event Roster Bookings
- - Comprehensive Notification System
- - User Dashboard
- - Competency Assessments & Evaluations
- - Personal Development Plans
- - Action Plans & Risk Assessments
- - Interactive Course Calendar
- - Personnel Competency Timeline
- - CPD Logs
- - Reoccurring Course Template Design
- - Comprehensive System Admin Tools
- - Bulk Data Upload Facilities
- - Full Reporting Capabilities
- - A Complete Suite of APIs
- - Mobile & Cloud Solution

The Problem
Dorset Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service, like the rest of the Emergency Services sector, is reliant on accurate staff competencies. It’s at the core of their entire operation. One of the biggest challenges the sector faces is getting fast and easy access to all the relevant competency data. Users have to trawl through multiple systems to determine, for example, the status of staff competencies, which training events to prioritise, which staff are available to attend those events and the impact their attendance will have on minimum staffing levels. On top of all that, they often use an additional system to maintain their staffs’ skills. It’s cumbersome, to say the least.
Read the Solution